DIVERSA Supplementary Insurance
DIVERSA supplementary insurance is the ideal complement to basic insurance. Our choice of four DIVERSA policies offer coverage for any event. DIVERSA is especially suited for families.
DIVERSA supplementary insurance – Your advantages
Select your DIVERSA supplementary insurance
The supplementary insurance for all needs and situations is available in four options.
- Contributions to scheduled outpatient treatments abroad by non officially recognised service providers
- Outpatient and inpatient coverage in the event of emergencies abroad
- Contributions towards search and rescue costs worldwide
Legal protection for patients, even outside of Europe
Contributions towards the long-lasting vision correction provided by refractive surgery (e.g. laser eye surgery)
- Contributions towards benefits for families, such as rooming-in, a family room in the event of a birth, a care service for your sick or injured child, corrective dentistry, ear surgery, or eyeglass lenses and contact lenses
Contributions towards corrective dentistry, ear surgery, as well as spectacles and contact lenses
Flyer DIVERSApremium (177 KB)
Childcare (191 KB)
- Outpatient and inpatient coverage in case of emergencies abroad
Contributions towards search and rescue costs worldwide
- Contributions towards the cost of such things as:
- Medicines not covered by mandatory insurance
- Spectacles, contact lenses
- Corrective dentistry
- Ear surgery
- Domestic help
- Spa and recovery therapies
- Contributions towards benefits for families such as:
- Rooming-in. You stay overnight with your children in the hospital.
- Family room in the event of a birth. You, as a brand new father, stay with your new-born child and the mother in the hospital.
- Course for emergencies with small children. Learn how to help your child in the event of an emergency.
- Care service for your sick or injured child
Outpatient and inpatient coverage in cases of emergency abroad
Contributions to search and rescue costs worldwide
Legal protection for patients, also outside Europe
Contributions towards corrective dentistry, ear surgery, as well as spectacles and contact lenses
Flyer DIVERSA (259 KB)
Childcare (191 KB)
- Outpatient and inpatient coverage in case of emergencies abroad
Contributions to search and rescue costs worldwide
- Contributions towards things such as:
- Medicines not covered by mandatory insurance
- Spectacles and contact lenses
- Corrective dentistry
- Ear surgery
- Domestic help
- Spa and recovery therapies
For families: You pay only CHF 6 per month in premiums for children up to the age of 15
All variants of DIVERSA:
- Free medical advice by telephone
- 24-hour emergency service
Outpatient treatment – orthodox medicine
DIVERSApremium and DIVERSAplus:
- Benefits subsequent to MHC PLUS for non-authorised benefit providers from Liechtenstein and Switzerland
Maternity, family
- Care for sick/injured child1: CHF 50/hr., max. CHF 600/year
- Rooming-in2: CHF 100/night, max. 10 overnight stays
- Family room in the event of a birth: CHF 100/night, max. 5 overnight stays (waiting period of 270 days)
- Course for emergencies with small children: 50 %, max. CHF 200/3 years
- Care for sick/injured child1: CHF 30/hr., max. CHF 600/year
- Rooming-in2: CHF 60/night, max. 10 overnight stays
- Family room in the event of a birth: CHF 60/night, max. 5 overnight stays (waiting period of 270 days)
- Course for emergencies with small children: 50 %, max. CHF 200/3 years
1 organised by CONCORDIA
The service offers a very helpful relief to working parents You know that your sick or injured child (age 4 to age 12) is in good hands.
If required, call the concordiaMed 24-hour emergency service at the telephone number +41 41 210 02 50 . Within a few hours, CONCORDIA arranges, with the aid of the Familienhilfe Liechtenstein association, for a qualified and experienced caregiver to care for your child at home.
Learn more2 In addition, CONCORDIA pays out of all hospital insurances a contribution of a maximum of CHF 60 per day towards the stay of the accompanying parent in the hospital where the child is staying or vice versa. It is irrelevant whether the patient is insured with PRIVATE, SEMI-PRIVATE or GENERAL Hospital Insurance.
For medicines not covered by mandatory insurance (if recognised in Liechtenstein):
DIVERSApremium and DIVERSAplus:
- 75 %
- 50 %
Medical preventive care, check-ups
DIVERSApremium and DIVERSAplus:
- Benefits subsequent to MHC PLUS for non-authorised benefit providers from Liechtenstein and Switzerland
DIVERSApremium and DIVERSAplus:
- Outpatient (orthodontics up to the age of 22, temporomandibular joint discomforts, etc.): 75 %
- Inpatient (oral surgery): contracted hospitals, general ward
- Outpatient (orthodontics up to the age of 22, temporomandibular joint discomforts, etc.): 50 %
- Inpatient (oral surgery): contracted hospitals, general ward
Spectacles and contact lenses
- Up to the age of 18: CHF 300/calendar year
- Age 18 and over: CHF 300/3 calendar year
- Up to the age of 18: CHF 250/calendar year
- Age 18 and over: CHF 250/3 calendar year
- Up to the age of 18: CHF 200/calendar year
- Age 18 and over: CHF 200/3 calendar year
- Up to the age of 18: CHF 150/calendar year
- Age 18 and over: CHF 150/3 calendar year
Refractive surgery not covered by mandatory health care insurance
- 50 %, max. CHF 600/5 calendar years (waiting period of 1 year)
- 50 %, max. CHF 400/5 calendar years (waiting period of 1 year)
Treatment abroad, scheduled
- Benefits subsequent to MHC PLUS for non-authorised benefit providers, max. CHF 3,000/calendar year
Treatment abroad, in case of emergency
- Search operations for rescue and recovery1: max. CHF 20,000
- Rescue and transport costs1: unlimited
- Illness or accident1: inpatient max. 75 days, outpatient local rates
- Search operations for rescue and recovery1: max. CHF 20,000
- Rescue and transport costs1: unlimited
- Illness or accident1: inpatient max. 60 days, outpatient local rates
- Search operations for rescue and recovery1: max. CHF 10,000
- Rescue and transport costs1: unlimited
- Illness or accident1: inpatient max. 45 days, outpatient local rates
- Search operations for rescue and recovery1: max. CHF 10,000
- Rescue and transport costs1: unlimited
- Illness or accident1: inpatient max. 30 days, outpatient local rates
1 organised by concordiaMed 24-hour emergency service
Search and rescue costs
Ambulance transportDIVERSApremium:
- Search and rescue costs: max. CHF 25,000
- Transport costs: unlimited
- Search and rescue costs: max. CHF 20,000
- Transport costs: unlimited
- Search and rescue costs: max. CHF 15,000
- Transport costs: unlimited
- Search and rescue costs: max. CHF 10,000
- Transport costs: unlimited
Cure at a spa/sanatarium
DIVERSApremium and DIVERSAplus:
- CHF 50/day, max. 21 days/calendar year for each type of cure
- CHF 30/day, max. 21 days/calendar year for each type of cure
Home nursing and domestic help
DIVERSApremium and DIVERSAplus:
- Household help: CHF 50/day, max. 30 days/calendar year
- Household help: CHF 30/day, max. 30 days/calendar year
Medical aids
DIVERSApremium and DIVERSAplus:
- 50 %, max. CHF 2,000
- 50 %, max. CHF 1,000
Legal protection for patients
- In Europe: max. CHF 500,000
- Outside of Europe: max. CHF 50,000
- In Europe: max. CHF 300,000
- Outside of Europe: max. CHF 50,000
As a patient, you receive legal assistance from our contract partner, Protekta Legal Protection Insurance Ltd., in the event of contractual disputes or disputes regarding questions of liability with medical benefits providers. This can be done, for example, in the event of medical malpractice or false diagnoses.
CONCORDIA reimburses a maximum of CHF 300,000 out of the supplementary insurance DIVERSAcare and a maximum of CHF 500,000 out of DIVERSApremium for legal protection for patients within Europe, and a maximum of CHF 50,000 outside of Europe.
In the event of a claim, fill out the form (German).
Cost sharing
All variants of DIVERSA:
- No deductible