If they have any medical questions or in the event of uncertainties, persons insured with CONCORDIA receive free advice on what to do next – around the clock.
Please have your insurance card ready.
The health advisory service by telephone is free of charge and exclusively available to persons insured by CONCORDIA. You only pay the local or mobile rate.
95 % of CONCORDIA customers rate the quality of the advice by concordiaMed as good to very good. The two things that are appreciated the most are the easy access to consultation and the personal commitment of the concordiaMed specialists.
concordiaMed – first class service of CONCORDIA
- Around-the-clock emergency service available worldwide at +41 41 210 02 50, even on weekends. This number can be found on your insurance card.
- Around-the-clock health advisory service by medically trained professionals who give concrete instructions on how to proceed or on how to treat oneself.
- One-on-one advice regarding generic medicine and how to prevent falls
- Advice regarding complementary medicine
- Personal vaccination and travel advice
- concordiaMed premium for persons insured with PREMIUM Hospital Insurance: scheduling appointments with renowned medical specialists
- Medical confidentiality and data protection guaranteed at all times
Frequently asked questions during the telephone consultation
- What should I do in the event of an emergency?
- Can I take a certain medication against headaches in spite of being pregnant?
- Should I take my sick child to the doctor before the weekend?
- Is my infection contagious for risk groups?
- In the event of medical necessity when abroad, will I need return transportation to Switzerland?
- Is there a generic medicine for medication that I need?
concordiaMed can clear up such questions as well as other medical questions. If required, the qualified personnel of concordiaMed have access to a medical service. This means additional security in medical issues.