Support when returning to work
Case Management
Prolonged incapacities to work following an illness or accident often represent a major financial and organisational burden for the company. With CONCORDIA Daily Allowance Insurance and Case Management, companies are able to calculate each situation.
Assistance in returning to the work process? Or during the subsequent reintegration phase after a longer period of illness? Or maybe during the reintegration into the company? These are tasks that far exceed corporate health management – tasks for the highly professional Case Management by CONCORDIA.
Step by step back into the working life
The Case Manager from CONCORDIA analyses the situation together with the person who is unable to work and coordinates the further steps together with the employer, the superiors, the doctors, medical experts and the social insurance schemes involved. This Case Manager then works with all parties involved up until the successful implementation of the developed solution.
This is the benefit of professional and organised Case Management at CONCORDIA:
- Fast and sustainable return to the workplace
- Because of this, a reduction of costs for the company
- No loss of valuable expertise
- Quick and correct payout of insurance benefits
Furthermore, it is particularly important that the person incapable of working experiences high esteem while being supported during the reintegration phase.