To apply for every year
Premium reduction
Many live in modest financial circumstances. Health insurance premiums constitute a heavy burden. In particular, families with children and single parents are affected by this. These families are entitled to a reduction in premiums.
Nationwide regulations
The decision on who shall receive financial contributions towards health insurance premiums is regulated at the national level. Please note: you must apply for the reduction every year.
Who can assert a claim for a premium reduction?Insured persons with low incomes may receive contributions towards premium reductions. The subsidy rate is based on the decisive purchase and amounts to 40 % - 60 % of the national average of the calculated premium for mandatory health care insurance.
Are you entitled to a premium reduction?If so, then contact the Office of Social Services (Amt für Soziale Dienste), Postplatz 2, PO Box 63 in 9494 Schaan, at the telephone number +423 236 72 62.
When applying for a premium reduction, can you also request a reduction in cost sharing?The government now also pays contributions towards cost sharing for insured persons with low incomes (premium reduction). In order to benefit from this reduction in cost sharing, please send your statements of benefit from the past year along with your application for premium reduction. You will find further information on this topic under Antrag Prämienverbilligung (application for premium reduction).